Disecting a DTC

How the Diagnostic Trouble Code(DTC) is created: A DTC is made up of 5 digits. The chart below shows the composition of a DTC. With this information you can easily determin what system to trouble shoot without knowing the exact description of the code.

                 X  X  X  X X
                 |  |  |   |
                 |  |  |   |
B Body ----------+  |  |   +-- Fault (00 to 99)
C Chassis -------+  |  |
P Powertrain ----+  |  |
U Network -------+  |  +------ 1 Fuel & Air Metering
                    |  +------ 2 Fuel & Air Metering (Injector)
                    |  +------ 3 Ignition System or Misfire
0 SAE --------------+  +------ 4 Auxiliary Emission Controls
1 MFG --------------+  +------ 5 Vehicle Speed & Idle Control System
                       +------ 6 Computer Output Citcuit
                       +------ 7 Transmission
                       +------ 8 Transmission
                       +------ 9 Reserved
                       +------ 0 Reserved

Using the on-board diagnostic display you’ll also see “IP” for the IPC instrument panel, “AC” for the air conditioning module, “TC” for traction control, “RS” for the road suspension system, “SD” for the air bags, “PZ” for the body control module, “CC” for the cell phone and “RF” for the integrated radio.
