What is OBD-II Code Scanner?

OBD-II Code Scanners are diagnostic tools used by car technicians, hobbyists and consumers. If you are looking for a super simple and affordable way to diagnose your vehicle, OBD-II Scanners are the perfect tool. OBD II scanners are easy to hook up into any vehicle including domestic and import (both Asian and European) vehicles. With a computer chip onboard and easy to view read out, you can easily diagnose your car’s problem or reset an error code with ease. OBD II scanners are also extremely affordable- usually about the same price or less than one visit to a mechanic’s shop. Hobbyists and enthusiasts can not only diagnose problems, but also use these devices to help calibrate your vehicle’s engine, emissions and other major functions for enhanced performance.

OBD-II Scanners Save You Time and Money

It’s a common occurrence, you’re driving your car and for some unexplained reason your check engine light or other vehicle diagnostic light lights up. While these lights are critical to proper vehicle maintenance, many times they can be the result due to computer error or small problems such as an open gas tank lid. One way to save time and money is to have a handy OBD-II scanner device on hand to inform you of the problem and whether it is necessary to take a few hours off from work and pay a hefty fee for a technician to look at your vehicle

OBD-II Scanners and Gauges are the Perfect Tool for any Do-It-Yourself Mechanic

If you are a car enthusiast and enjoy working on vehicles during your spare time, OBD-II scanners and gauges are one of the most useful tools available to help diagnose problems easily saving you from guess and replace repairs. OBD II scanners and gauges make it a snap to pull critical information from your car’s onboard computer chip which can help you ultimately save time and money. OBD II scanners and gauges are accurate, convenient and an efficient way to provide exceptional diagnostic information to help maximize vehicle performance.

The OBD-II Standard

The OBD-II standard makes it a breeze to connect on board diagnostic equipment scanners and gauges to practically any vehicle sold in the US; both foreign and domestic manufactured from 1996. The OBD II standard actually refers to the diagnostic connector and its pinout. This standardized way of reading vehicles on board computer to determine DTC’s (diagnostic trouble codes) makes it an incredibly practical technology which is affordable for almost any part time mechanic or car enthusiast. The OBD-II standard uses OBD-II cables to connect to a vehicles ECU (electronic control unit) which can then be connected to a variety of diagnostic scanners, tools and gauges.
